View or edit your Sales & Purchases information. Apply debits to orders or open bills or deposit a refund check. Create a quote. Create an order. Create a bill. Generate general ledger, checkbook, sales, purchases, inventory, card file, or other types of reports. Analyze your payables. Find all transactions for a particular account, card, sale, purchase or job. See receivables or payables, recurring transactions, expiring discounts, orders to be shipped or received, inventory to be reordered, overdue contacts. Get a complete journal report for a specified date range. View your purchases that are recorded as bills, orders, quotes or debits. Also view your open, closed and recurring purchases. Print any type of purchase on your own stationery or pre-printed forms, or customize your own purchase layout. Print your 1099s. Make full or partial payments and apply against specific purchases. Record vendor payments and update the payables account. Enter purchases and record as an actual bill, order or quote, automatically calculate taxes and volume discounts, and update your inventory and payables.